Source code for circleci.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    This module provides a class which abstracts the CircleCI REST API.

    .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0
       Removed legacy 1.0 endpoints. See CHANGELOG for more details.
import os

import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

from circleci.error import BadKeyError, BadVerbError, InvalidFilterError

[docs]class Api(): """A python interface into the CircleCI API""" def __init__(self, token, url=''): """Instantiate a new circleci.Api object. :param url: The URL to the CircleCI instance. Defaults to \ If you are running CircleCI server, \ the API is available at the same endpoint of your own \ installation url. i.e ( :param token: Your CircleCI API token. """ self.token = token self.url = url
[docs] def get_user_info(self): """Provides information about the signed in user. Endpoint: GET: ``/me`` """ resp = self._request('GET', 'me') return resp
[docs] def get_projects(self): """List of all the projects you're following on CircleCI. Endpoint: GET: ``/projects`` """ resp = self._request('GET', 'projects') return resp
[docs] def follow_project(self, username, project, vcs_type='github'): """Follow a new project on CircleCI. :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: POST: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/follow`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/follow'.format( vcs_type, username, project ) resp = self._request('POST', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def get_project_build_summary( self, username, project, limit=30, offset=0, status_filter=None, branch=None, vcs_type='github'): """Build summary for each of the last 30 builds for a single git repo. :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param limit: The number of builds to return. Maximum 100, defaults \ to 30. :param offset: The API returns builds starting from this offset, \ defaults to 0. :param status_filter: Restricts which builds are returned. \ Set to "completed", "successful", "running" or "failed". \ Defaults to no filter. :param branch: Narrow returned builds to a single branch. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. :type limit: int :type offset: int :raises InvalidFilterError: when filter is not a valid filter. Endpoint: GET: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project`` """ valid_filters = [None, 'completed', 'successful', 'failed', 'running'] if status_filter not in valid_filters: raise InvalidFilterError(status_filter, 'status') if branch: endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/tree/{3}?limit={4}&offset={5}&filter={6}'.format( vcs_type, username, project, branch, limit, offset, status_filter ) else: endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}?limit={3}&offset={4}&filter={5}'.format( vcs_type, username, project, limit, offset, status_filter ) resp = self._request('GET', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def get_recent_builds(self, limit=30, offset=0): """ Build summary for each of the last 30 recent builds, ordered by build_num. :param limit: The number of builds to return. Maximum 100, defaults \ to 30. :param offset: The API returns builds starting from this offset, \ defaults to 0. :type limit: int :type offset: int Endpoint: GET: ``/recent-builds`` """ endpoint = 'recent-builds?limit={0}&offset={1}'.format(limit, offset) resp = self._request('GET', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def get_build_info(self, username, project, build_num, vcs_type='github'): """Full details for a single build. :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param build_num: Build number. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: GET: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/:build_num`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format( vcs_type, username, project, build_num ) resp = self._request('GET', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def get_artifacts(self, username, project, build_num, vcs_type='github'): """List the artifacts produced by a given build. :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param build_num: Build number. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: GET: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/:build_num/artifacts`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/artifacts'.format( vcs_type, username, project, build_num ) resp = self._request('GET', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def get_latest_artifact( self, username, project, branch=None, status_filter='completed', vcs_type='github'): """List the artifacts produced by the latest build on a given branch. .. note:: This endpoint is a little bit flakey. If the "latest" \ build does not have any artifacts, rathern than returning \ an empty set, the API will 404. :param username: org or user name :param project: case sensitive repo name :param branch: The branch you would like to look in for the latest build. Returns artifacts for latest build in entire project if omitted. :param filter: Restricts which builds are returned. defaults to 'completed' valid filters: "completed", "successful", "failed" :param vcs_type: defaults to github on you can also pass in bitbucket :raises InvalidFilterError: when filter is not a valid filter. Endpoint: GET: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/latest/artifacts`` """ valid_filters = ['completed', 'successful', 'failed'] if status_filter not in valid_filters: raise InvalidFilterError(status_filter, 'artifacts') # passing None makes the API 404 if branch: endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/latest/artifacts?branch={3}&filter={4}'.format( vcs_type, username, project, branch, status_filter ) else: endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/latest/artifacts?filter={3}'.format( vcs_type, username, project, status_filter ) resp = self._request('GET', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def download_artifact(self, url, destdir=None, filename=None): """Download an artifact from a url :param url: The URL to the artifact. :param destdir: The optional destination directory. \ Defaults to None (curent working directory). :param filename: Optional file name. Defaults to the name of the artifact file. """ resp = self._download(url, destdir, filename) return resp
[docs] def retry_build(self, username, project, build_num, ssh=False, vcs_type='github'): """Retries the build. :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param build_num: Build number. :param ssh: Retry a build with SSH enabled. Defaults to False. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. :type ssh: bool Endpoint: POST: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/:build_num/retry`` """ if ssh: endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/ssh'.format( vcs_type, username, project, build_num ) else: endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/retry'.format( vcs_type, username, project, build_num ) resp = self._request('POST', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def cancel_build(self, username, project, build_num, vcs_type='github'): """Cancels the build. :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param build_num: Build number. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: POST: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/:build_num/cancel`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/cancel'.format( vcs_type, username, project, build_num ) resp = self._request('POST', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def add_ssh_user(self, username, project, build_num, vcs_type='github'): """Adds a user to the build's SSH permissions. :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param build_num: Build number. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: POST: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/:build_num/ssh-users`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/ssh-users'.format( vcs_type, username, project, build_num ) resp = self._request('POST', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def trigger_build( self, username, project, branch='master', revision=None, tag=None, parallel=None, params=None, vcs_type='github'): """ Triggers a new build. .. note:: * ``tag`` and ``revision`` are mutually exclusive. * ``parallel`` is ignored for builds running on CircleCI 2.0 :param username: Organization or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param branch: The branch to build. Defaults to master. :param revision: The specific git revision to build. \ Default is null and the head of the branch is used. \ Can not be used with the tag parameter. :param tag: The git tag to build. \ Default is null. \ Cannot be used with the tag parameter. :param parallel: The number of containers to use to run the build. \ Default is null and the project default is used. :param params: Optional build parameters. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. :type params: dict :type parallel: int Endpoint: POST: ``project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/tree/:branch`` """ data = { 'revision': revision, 'tag': tag, 'parallel': parallel, } if params: data.update(params) endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/tree/{3}'.format( vcs_type, username, project, branch ) resp = self._request('POST', endpoint, data=data) return resp
[docs] def add_ssh_key( self, username, project, ssh_key, vcs_type='github', hostname=None): """Create an ssh key Used to access external systems that require SSH key-based authentication. .. note:: The ssh_key must be unencrypted. :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param branch: Defaults to master. :param ssh_key: Private RSA key. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. :param hostname: Optional hostname. If set, the key will only work \ for this hostname. Endpoint: POST: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/ssh-key`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/ssh-key'.format( vcs_type, username, project ) params = { "hostname": hostname, "private_key": ssh_key } resp = self._request('POST', endpoint, data=params) return resp
[docs] def list_checkout_keys(self, username, project, vcs_type='github'): """List checkout keys for a project :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: GET: ``project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/checkout-key`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/checkout-key'.format( vcs_type, username, project ) resp = self._request('GET', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def create_checkout_key(self, username, project, key_type, vcs_type='github'): """Create a new checkout keys for a project :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param key_type: The type of key to create. Valid values are \ 'deploy-key' or 'github-user-key' :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. :raises InvalidKeyError: When key_type is not a valid key type. Endpoint: POST: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/checkout-key`` """ valid_types = ['deploy-key', 'github-user-key'] if key_type not in valid_types: raise BadKeyError(key_type) params = { "type": key_type } endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/checkout-key'.format( vcs_type, username, project ) resp = self._request('POST', endpoint, data=params) return resp
[docs] def get_checkout_key(self, username, project, fingerprint, vcs_type='github'): """Get a checkout key. :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param fingerprint: The fingerprint of the checkout key. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: GET: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/checkout-key/:fingerprint`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/checkout-key/{3}'.format( vcs_type, username, project, fingerprint ) resp = self._request('GET', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def delete_checkout_key(self, username, project, fingerprint, vcs_type='github'): """Delete a checkout key. :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param fingerprint: The fingerprint of the checkout key. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: DELETE: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/checkout-key/:fingerprint`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/checkout-key/{3}'.format( vcs_type, username, project, fingerprint ) resp = self._request('DELETE', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def get_test_metadata(self, username, project, build_num, vcs_type='github'): """Provides test metadata for a build :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param build_num: Build number. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: GET: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/:build_num/tests`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/tests'.format( vcs_type, username, project, build_num ) resp = self._request('GET', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def list_envvars(self, username, project, vcs_type='github'): """Provides list of environment variables for a project :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: GET: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/envvar`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/envvar'.format( vcs_type, username, project ) resp = self._request('GET', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def add_envvar(self, username, project, name, value, vcs_type='github'): """Adds an environment variable to a project :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param name: Name of the environment variable. :param value: Value of the environment variable. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: POST: ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/envvar`` """ params = { "name": name, "value": value } endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/envvar'.format( vcs_type, username, project ) resp = self._request('POST', endpoint, data=params) return resp
[docs] def get_envvar(self, username, project, name, vcs_type='github'): """Gets the hidden value of an environment variable :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param name: Name of the environment variable. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: GET ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/envvar/:name`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/envvar/{3}'.format( vcs_type, username, project, name ) resp = self._request('GET', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def delete_envvar(self, username, project, name, vcs_type='github'): """Delete an environment variable :param username: Org or user name. :param project: Case sensitive repo name. :param name: Name of the environment variable. :param vcs_type: Defaults to github. On you can \ also pass in ``bitbucket``. Endpoint: DELETE ``/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/envvar/:name`` """ endpoint = 'project/{0}/{1}/{2}/envvar/{3}'.format( vcs_type, username, project, name ) resp = self._request('DELETE', endpoint) return resp
[docs] def _request(self, verb, endpoint, data=None): """Request a url. :param endpoint: The api endpoint we want to call. :param verb: POST, GET, or DELETE. :param params: Optional build parameters. :type params: dict :raises requests.exceptions.HTTPError: When response code is not successful. :returns: A JSON object with the response from the API. """ headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', } auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.token, '') resp = None request_url = "{0}/{1}".format(self.url, endpoint) if verb == 'GET': resp = requests.get(request_url, auth=auth, headers=headers) elif verb == 'POST': resp =, auth=auth, headers=headers, json=data) elif verb == 'DELETE': resp = requests.delete(request_url, auth=auth, headers=headers) else: raise BadVerbError(verb) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()
[docs] def _download(self, url, destdir=None, filename=None): """File download helper. :param url: The URL to the artifact. :param destdir: The optional destination directory. \ Defaults to None (curent working directory). :param filename: Optional file name. Defaults to the name of the artifact file. """ if not filename: filename = url.split('/')[-1] if not destdir: destdir = os.getcwd() endpoint = "{0}?circle-token={1}".format(url, self.token) resp = requests.get(endpoint, stream=True) path = "{0}/{1}".format(destdir, filename) with open(path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) return path